Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Where's the good teacher?

Today, En. Kamaldeen wasn't at around the school as he was at "square"...(i will never forgot this joke told by En. Kamaldeen...haha!). So, 4Sc1 beloved Pn Hashimah was here to releave...whoohoo! And she taught us something about statistics...thank you teacher!

I believe that everyone in 4Sc1 miss the time Pn Hashimah taught us Maths, me too of course. Really hate those people who agreed to change our Maths teacher, sibuk betul you people! And for sure, nowadays no one in our class like Maths period. Do you guys agree with this?

During our "favourite" Bio lesson, I was sitting beside Aqilah, the hyper girl in Bio class today. When Pn Rozita was busy explaining those biological stuffs in front there, at the back here, Aqilah and me were busy for chatting~! Hahaha!!!

I only remember we had this part of conversation:


A: Bio is FUN! Hard to say that Bio is "fun", eh?
M: Yea...Of course it's hard...so we should say it like this - Bio is "Fu...Fu...F...F...Fu..."
A: Hey Mtzin, since when you become so naughty? Saying those F words...
M: Haha...That's what I mean, hard to say Bio is fun right? So it will sound like "Fu...F...Fu..." la!

defencing: I'm a good little girl...I never say F words...REALLY!! XD

posted by
ms super smart
-mei tzin-


Aqilah said...

rofl, remember what did we do with innocent sook ling during the math period? gossiping the whole time!

dionysus said...

yea...so bad ar...
keep gossiping in front of her <-- the secret...! XD