Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fun Moments With SMKDL Dudes & Dudettes @ 1 Malaysia !

Hey ppl ! Well..this is my first post and basically it's about the 1 Malaysia stuff. First, the day began with us (4SC1 & 4SC2 students) arriving at the school at 6. Honestly, at first I really regretted for going and I was blaming Aqilah for it! xD Moreover, when i saw the t-shirt we were supposed to wear..i was like $#%#!^%^!!#!$#@!$@ !! Then we left around 6 something (sempat jugak Hanson nak makan McD -.- ) Arrived there.. And for the boys..they were finding for some beautiful girls (boys nowadays..) xD And then the usual stuff..getting into the stadium, laughing, waiting for the VIP's. (And some camwhoring business) The real fun took place when Shirtlift (SBU Cheerleaders) started performing..^^ The rest was all the usual formal event performance. So here are some pics we took..

There are many more to come. My freakin cam and internet connection is givin me a headache. So to be continued...


.theAdLi said...

seb bek aku x pergi . 'lawa' gile baju !! hahahaha

Aqilah said...
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Aqilah said...

"I was blaming Aqilah for it!"

Eleh, but actually you had fun la aite eventhough I wasn't there. blekk ;p

dionysus said...

wat did u write before those picz?
cant read it leh...~~

u guyz had so much fun there...but i wasn't there...TT
